When If It Weren'T For Electricity We'D All Be Article

If It Weren't For Electricity We'd All Be. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight.

"If It Weren't For Electricity We'd All Be Watching Television
"If It Weren't For Electricity We'd All Be Watching Television from www.redbubble.com

If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.

The Young Man Knows The Rules, But The Old Man Knows The Exceptions.

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight.


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